Monday, December 30, 2013


Google India’s recent new commercial grabbed my attention. Google released a commercial on 13th November’13 titled ‘Google Search: Reunion’ which is to touch an emotional chord with its viewers not only in India but also in Pakistan.. This three and half minute advertisement is currently going viral and owes its strengthening views to the breathtaking emotional appeal, grossing upwards of 3 millions  views.
The story of this commercial is: a woman in India reunites her grandfather with his childhood friend (who is now in Pakistan) following six decades of separation since the partition of India – with the help from Google search.
If we deeply look into this, we will find that it adds a human dimension to the otherwise routine search – almost suggesting that there are emotions to “googling” and friends to be found.
It’s story and executions are done in such a fantastic way from which anyone can be emotionally connected easily. The acting part, specially the character Yusuf was awesome.  This commercial is basically reemphasizing connecting humanity and making tangible effects on lives. Another aspect tying the movie with the commercial is the tech giant’s attempt to shed the association with a certain age segment.
Thanks to Google and thanks to Ogilvy for presenting such a nice commercial.

Changing Marketing Trends in 2014

The Conference Board is predicting a 3.1% increase in global economic growth for 2014; that figure stands at just 2.8% for 2013. It’s an exciting time to work in the world of brand marketing. There are new technologies and tools emerging all the time to help marketers better understand, communicate and build relationships with their customers. Now summarizing some marketing trends here:

    1.     Mass approach will become weaker
However, integrated can’t mean a return to the mass media marketing campaigns popular 10 years ago. As marketing journalist and author Bob Garfield told the panel: “ ‘Mass’ is headed for a mass grave. Reach will be ever more out of reach. The future, and the present, require aggregating individual relationships at scale. marketing departments needs to be harnessed to personalize marketing messages so that customers are being communicated to in the way they want.

2.     Growth in mobile & its ad revenues
E-marketers estimates that retail sales via smart phones and tablets have more than doubled in 2013. In coming 2014 e-commerce is expected to increase by 53.3% in 2014, more than triple the 15% growth rate for retail ecommerce. Mobile ad spend is expected to nearly double again in 2014 to almost £2.26 billion (32% of total digital).

3.     Always on consumers
Desktops are being deserted for tablets and smartphones, but not only mobile devices will surpass desktops in terms of traffic, they will excel them in enabling people do so much more on the internet: anytime, anywhere. And marketers need to be prepared for the always-on and multi tasking consumers.

4.     Collaborative economy
Collaborative economy will create a real disruption for businesses. The phenomenon of consumers co-creating content and products, sharing ideas and resources with each other is on ascend.

5.     The power of mobile + social + video
The combination of three biggest digital phenomena of 2013 will create another powerful trend in 2014, that of "visual sharing". These will be the format of choice for people to share their moments and a go-to tactic for brands to engage with consumers.

6.     Influential Marketing
Growing consumer empowerment will mean that brands will need to involve influencers in their marketing that is marketing with influencers, rather than merely marketing at them. By doing so, not only brands will benefit from positive word of mouth, but the power of ideas that influential consumers can generate.

7.     Increased focus on happiness and well-being
Money won’t be able to buy happiness; there has been an increased focus on personal well-being. "Mood of the Nation" research found that brands had a role to play in improving people's level of happiness through being ethical, empowering people to be more active and unexpected acts of kindness. In 2014 we will see more brands differentiating themselves from competition through influencing how people feel.
8.     Context and relevancy will take center stage
Whereas content continues to be a crucial component in online marketing, context and relevancy will play a bigger role. Consumers are getting habituated to getting what they want, when they want and how they want it. Information, when delivered at the right time, can be useful and appreciated to them.

9.     Smarter & Focused Social advertising
With better targeting and re-targeting options, social media advertising will attract more customers and a bigger share of marketing budgets.

10.    Gen Y Will Continue to Demand Experiential
It’s estimated that Gen Y’s consumer spending will top at next year, and as a result, they are a huge target for brands. But they’re finicky. They’ve seen it all, they live in the moment and they’re far more impulsive than any other age group.

11.    Integrated marketing will be required
A scattered approach to marketing won’t deliver results. As social signals (tweets, likes, shares) and digital PR become crucial for searches, there will be a greater need to make sure that all marketing activities align for the greatest results.

12.    Conventional advertising will still works for  FMCG’s
For those who think conventional media are a dying bread please think that still our main media of entertainment is TV, for news we also go to print media or TV. That media have strong viewers & readers and good ads will still work.

Businesses should look to take advantage of this trend. The secret to marketing that works is consistency. Whatever tactics you choose, do them often and do them without end. There are still plenty of challenges that partners have to overcome to keep marketing going.